
Are you a goal-driven saver?

Are you a goal-driven saver?

Characteristics of goal-driven savers A ‘money mindset’ is a way of thinking about personal finance. Your money mindset can change over time, and it may help explain your spending and savings habits. Understanding this can help you build habits and strategies to better manage your money. If the following applies

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Super lump sum

Super lump sum

You may be able to take your superannuation as a lump sum payment when you retire. This is usually tax-free from age 60. How a superannuation lump sum works Depending on your fund’s rules, you may be able to withdraw some or all of your superannuation (super) as a lump

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Investing in the property market

Investing in the property market

Are you thinking about buying an investment property? Buying a property that you do not plan to live in can help you increase your wealth and accelerate your financial wellbeing. Property is usually viewed as a long-term investment with many advantages. It is, however, important to understand how property investment

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Australia’s equities exodus is finally taking off

Australia’s equities exodus is finally taking off

Many Australian investors are discovering the benefits from investing offshore. Australian financial markets are continuing to evolve, and that’s why more and more Australians are finally spreading their investment wings and leaving home. That’s very apparent based on the increasing investment inflows into exchange traded funds (ETFs), some of which

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Enjoy the now and secure your future

Enjoy the now and secure your future

Managing your financial situation always involves tension between how you live your life now and preparing for your future – whatever that looks like. The worry about not getting the balance right and making unnecessary sacrifices now – or not having enough money for the things you want to do

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Time is up for the resilient consumer

Time is up for the resilient consumer

It’s evident that the Australian consumer is under pressure. It appears the tailwinds that helped brand the consumer as ‘resilient’ are now turning into headwinds. Think of it like a rubber band: household budgets are being stretched tight and at the moment, the band is withstanding the pressure. So how

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Your home in retirement

Your home in retirement

When you’re planning for retirement, consider what kind of home you can afford and what suits your level of independence. Think about whether you want to stay where you are, downsize, or move to a retirement home. If you own your home Staying in your home If you plan to

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Joint accounts

Joint accounts

A joint account is a bank account that more than one person can access. It can make it easier to manage shared expenses, but also comes with the risk of sharing access to your money. A joint account can be any kind of bank account: savings, transaction or term deposit.

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Insuring against loss of income

Insuring against loss of income

Protecting income from unexpected illness and injury is particularly important to anyone with a mortgage to service, small business owners and self-employed people with no sick leave available. With income protection insurance, you can be paid some 70 per cent of your income for a specified period to help when

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The pros and cons of taking the DIY super route

The pros and cons of taking the DIY super route

Having your own super fund provides more control, but they’re not for everyone. The number of Australians choosing to manage their own superannuation investments – both before and during retirement – has been progressively increasing over time. Current data from the Australian Tax Office (ATO) shows around 1.15 million people

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Spend smarter and shop safer during sales

Spend smarter and shop safer during sales

Cutting back on overspending Whenever there’s a big sale event, like the upcoming Black Friday sales, it can be tempting to go on a shopping spree while products are discounted. However, this can be a slippery slope and you may end up purchasing items you don’t need simply because they’re

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